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30 October 2010

"Naught Can Endure, but Mutability"

Apparently it's been awhile since I last wrote. I was on such a roll, too. I tried writing daily, or semi daily, or something of that manner. I suppose I failed. This has been such an incredible year. So much has happened. This has been the most pivotal year of my life.
The first ginormous life changing event occured in February, when I swore in to the United States Army. That alone would be enough for just about anyone wanting to change the direction of their life. Most people would say, "Hey!! I joined the Army!! That's enough change in my life for the rest of the year!!!" I myself was prepared to say that. However, my life wasn't ready to let me say that. Let me just explain a little more of what joining the Army meant...
It is not easy to join the Army. I was running around like crazy for a couple of months just trying to get in!! I mean it!! I had appointments with my recruiter a couple of times a week, I had to go to my unit with her a few times, I went to drill, I had a ton of paperwork to do, and on top of it all, I was also taking my first semester of ROTC, which added many more hours, because I volunteered for just about everything that they let me volunteer for, plus I was trying to work 20 hours a week and go to school. Basically I had just about 3 jobs, between my unit, my recruiter, and my real job, plus school. I was usually extremely busy. Finally I was able to swear in! Woot Woot!! Now I have 6 more years of reserve duty. Boo yah! I'm lovin' it. I will just be loving it more when I got out of initial entry training. However, since I am planning on contracting ROTC as soon as I can, the Army life will be my style.
The second big, even bigger, change was my mom getting cancer. I really don't know what to write about that. Actually, I don't know that I would have time to write everything I could write about that, as lights out is in 11 minutes, which means I don't have time to write about the other changes tonight...I suppose I'll be leaving you in suspense!! Muahahahhaaaa suckers!!!


  1. yay Amanda's back!!! :)

  2. Oh, that is just mean, to leave us all in suspense like that. I mean really... some of us know other real life changing things that have happened... not that those weren't real... but yeah.. I loves you Mandy!

  3. Ha, near the end I was she really not talking about him? I was astonished and a little weirded out. But then I finished reading and it made sense. Imagine that, huh? :)


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